hey! it's me.


[ he / him ]

a college student.

profile picture

so who is Dhayanandh?

Well, the boy is an 21-year-old student. He is currently pursuing a degree in B.tech IT at Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. This is a porfolio website that is a representation of all that he had learned and accomplished as a student.

his work and hobbies


he possess strong design skills using Canva, a versatile and user-friendly graphic design tool.


he has loved taking photographs since he was 17 years old. feel free to view IG page.


he is more into design space and he does art stuff like sketching portrait.


Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript and C++ are some languages he is familiar with. and he is currently learning Java DSA.


playing football not only keeps me physically active but also helps me develop a strong sense of camaraderie and strategic thinking, which are beneficial in various aspects of my life and work.


Besides coding, he is interested in learning new technologies, working on creative projects, and improving his existing skills.

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what he wishes to do?

Coding is not just a technical skill; it's a creative art. It presents challenges that fuels his passion for learning and innovation. As a coder who thrives on creating and exploring new technologies, he is eager to develop amazing projects using various languages and tools. His goal is to continuously enhance the existing skills while embarking on new and exciting coding adventures.

He loves to explore things. ❤️

Known Languages and Tools

© 2024 Dhayanandh